Welcome to a Short Bible Study!

Welcome to a Short Bible Study! 

My name is Michael Huotari. I have been married to my beautiful wife for over half my life and have 3 grown children.

I was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ in 1986 by trusting and resting my faith in the sinless Son of God's death, burial, and resurrection as payment for my sin debt according to the scriptures; for which I am eternally grateful!

Beyond earning undergraduate degrees in Automation Systems Design, General Engineering, and Management and Organizational Development from various colleges and universities, I also graduated with a 3-year Bible and Ministry Studies diploma.  In addition, I graduated from seminary, earning a Master of Biblical Exposition degree, and am a doctoral candidate in Educational Ministry. 

I regularly attend a local church for edification and fellowship with God's saints and hold office as a deacon. I periodically teach children’s Sunday School and on occasion, as time and opportunity permit, I teach and preach God's word to fill in the gap for the regular pastors and teachers who may have that time off. 

I love reading and studying God’s word. I enjoy and look forward to opportunities to share His gospel with others; especially the gospel of the Grace of God, in hopes that others will be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

I am not a writer.  I am not a theologian. I am nothing special. I do not know everything and do not pretend to.  I am just an ever-learning student of the Bible and an ambassador of Jesus Christ.

Because I like studying and discussing God's word, I created this blog to share my thoughts and Bible studies as topics arise. I pray that the content herein will be thought-provoking, edifying, and a blessing! 

I also hope you will join me on this journey through God’s word.

Grace and Peace, 

Brother Michael Huotari


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