Cut the CRAP—Give me the GOSPEL!


How can I be SAVED, escape Hell, and be guaranteed ETERNAL LIFE when I die?

I’m glad you asked!  It is simply by trusting the Gospel of Your Salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV).  I’ll explain, but first there are a couple things you must understand.


YOU must understand and believe that you are a sinner and cannot inherit Heaven by your own merit.  It doesn’t matter how humanly “good” you think you are, whether by your own perception or by others.  It also doesn’t matter if you think you do mostly “good” things—that is, your “good” works outweigh your “bad” deeds as if in the end, the good and bad are placed on opposing scales and the good weighs more than the bad to determine your eternal destination.  

YOU must understand ALL humans—from birth are born into sin and are sinners by nature (Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:19 KJV).  Therefore, the unsaved (or lost as some say) will inherit hell upon death, and when the time comes, they will have no choice but to stand before the judgment of God and be judged according to their human works, and then they will be punished in the lake of fire for eternity, separated from God, the Lord Jesus Christ and saved loved ones (Revelation 20:11-15 KJV).  This is not where you want to be.


YOU must understand and believe that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to SAVE sinners just like you!  The one true, Holy, Just, Righteous, and Loving, God of Heaven required the perfect sacrifice to pay the sin debt of mankind, once and for all; and that perfect sacrificial Lamb without spot is His SINLESS Son Jesus Christ (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19 KJV).  

How can that be, you might ask—because the only one who can forgive sins and grant eternal life is God?  True—that’s why God came down to earth, manifest in the person of His Son Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, in the likeness of sinful flesh (1 Timothy 3:16; John 5:18; Philippians 2:6; Romans 8:3 KJV), conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary (Matthew 1:20-23 KJV).  Jesus Christ is God—equal to God—the perfect sinless propitiation for mankind (Romans 3:25; Titus 2:13 KJV). 


So hopefully now you believe you are a sinner and cannot save yourself.  And that you believe God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth to save sinners just like you and me!  You understand now that no one can save sinners except God, and Jesus Christ is God in human flesh, which made Him the perfect sacrifice; therefore, God is sinless and Holy and Jesus was and is sinless too, He being equal to God.  Jesus was born of a virgin, the Son of God the Father, and conceived by the Holy Spirit of God, just as prophesied.  Now you know why Jesus was sinless and was the only one able to pay your sin debt—in your stead—by His ever-cleansing atoning blood.

So, hopefully, you now trust, understand, and believe these things.  Good!

Your question still stands:  So then, how can I be SAVED and gain ETERNAL LIFE when I die?


You must BELIEVE and TRUST that God sent His only begotten sinless Son, Jesus Christ—God manifested in the flesh—to this earth, to pay your sin debt—your sin penalty, that you could not pay (no matter how hard you tried or how good you are), by willingly giving His life, dying on the cross, shedding His blood on your behalf, satisfying the justice of God, and was buried and rose again the third according to the prophetic scriptures.

If you believe and trust that God through Jesus Christ has sacrificed Himself in this way for YOU, THEN YOU ARE SAVED!  You now have ETERNAL LIFE as an immediate possession which is irrevocable.  You cannot lose it.  God will not take it from you, because you are now sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise until the day you'll be taken up into glory!

Here is the GOSPEL by which YOU ARE SAVED, laid out in Holy Scripture.  This is the apostle Paul speaking by inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God:

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL (good news) which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

BY WHICH ALSO YE ARE SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures;

And that HE WAS BURIED, and that HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY according to the scriptures:”

Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, just reminded the believers at Corinth of the good news of salvation which he had already proclaimed to them.  Notice the main elements spoken of:

    1) Christ DIED for OUR SINS as prophesied in the word of God.

    2) Christ was BURIED in a tomb, pronounced humanly DEAD.

    3) Christ ROSE from the DEAD on the third day as prophesied in the word of God.


But you might ask, why would God do this for me?  Why would He send His precious Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer a cruel, humiliating, punishment—that is, death on the cross, paying my penalty?  He was sinless.  He did nothing wrong.  He only helped and loved people.  And I’m simply a sinner worthy only of my due penalty dispensed at the judgment of God.

God did this because He loves you and it’s the only way possible for you to receive eternal life.  He loves you not with a human type of love.  He loves you with “agape” love.  That’s a love that is a benevolent, affection, not based on what you do or how you act.

God is showing both GRACE and JUSTICE to YOU!  Grace is God lavishing His favor upon you even though you do not deserve it.  And His justice is still met by the faith of Jesus Christ, His Son's payment through His shed blood.  

God loved you so much that even before you were born, or simply a thought in your parent’s mind, He had you in His mind.  His Son died for you to make a way for you to be with Him after you leave this earth (John 3:16; Romans 5:8 KJV).  He did this for you!

You can only receive this salvation if you believe.

The question is, what is your choice?  Do you believe it?  Do you trust what Christ did for you so you can have eternal life as a present possession?  Or did you not believe, and would rather wander through life with a God-shaped hole in your heart until you die and face the judgment.

The choice is yours—choose LIFE or choose DEATH.

I hope you choose life!

Please email me and let me know your thoughts, your choice, or your story.

Be blessed, 

Brother Michael


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