
Showing posts from March, 2024

How "GOOD" is Good Friday?

To some, it's just another day.  To some, it's a holiday they get off from work.  To some, they don't even understand what it's about.  To others, it's a day that commemorates the greatest gift ever given to humanity from the greatest giver ever! The day Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary is celebrated as "Good Friday" (even though Jesus was crucified on a Thursday if you study the scriptures). Some might think, why not call it "Bad Friday"?  Death is bad, right!?  Death does have  connotations of sadness, right? However, in this case, regardless of the other reasons out there, Jesus' death was "good" in the sense it led to His resurrection on Sunday morning which means the "believer" will also be raised in the newness of life.  This is good. In fact, the believer has Heaven as a present possession in God’s eyes but will experience it upon the death of the physical body. ( 2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Ephesians 2:6 KJV...


A SINFUL MAN AND HIS PAST A man once lived a very sinful life, even by a sinner’s estimation.  His name is not important. He had done things that I care not to say or attempt to describe.  Oddly enough, as he got to what he felt was close to the end of his earthly life, he began to recognize the error of his ways.  He began to feel remorse and didn’t know how to make these things “right” and he struggled to deal with his past. His life began to haunt him.  He was ashamed of many things he’d done—how he lived his life and the people it affected.  It caused him great anxiety, thus making him terribly depressed and emotional. This man had said, “I’m afraid to die.  I believe there’s a God and I don’t want to go to hell when I die.  I know, somehow, that I will be judged for my sinful life.  I am so sorry.  I don’t know how to make it right.  I don’t know what to do.  How can I be forgiven?  How can I ensure I go to he...