
Showing posts from November, 2023

SATAN—How Did He Get His Name?

Recently, a young student in my Sunday School class asked, “How did Satan get his name?” This is a good question; a question that had never crossed my mind before.   I told him I’d give him the answer the following week because I really didn’t have it clearly formulated in my mind at that moment. Here’s my journey to the answer… The very first thing to realize (which we won't get into the specifics) is that God created Lucifer (son of the morning), not Satan.   Lucifer, who was created sinless and had free will, at some point before the creation of man, transgressed and fell by allowing his pride to be perverted due to his great beauty, brightness, and wisdom.   He thought that he could be like the Most High God, as the thoughts in his heart echoed.  At that very instant, with his will easily discovered by God, he became Satan. SATAN—DEFINE IT When I got home after class, I pulled out my Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to look up the name “Satan”. ...