GOSPEL--It Doesn't Mean What You Think!
GOSPEL—LET’S DEFINE IT! I’d say most people in the United States of reasonable age have heard the term “gospel”—even non-churchgoers. Also, I’d argue that if one has attended a “Christian” church for some length of time, they have heard the word “gospel” mentioned or preached at least once—whether they remember it or not. This word “gospel” seems to be a point of contention or even divisive at times within Christian or denominational circles. Some say there’s more than one “gospel” in the Bible, but others argue there is but only one “gospel”. Regardless, before we go down that rabbit trail, let’s first look at what the word gospel means; so, we can have some initial point of agreement of its definition. The word “gospel” shows up 104 times in 98 verses in the King James Version Bible, all of which are in the New Testament. The word gospel is an English translation of a few Greek words that have much the same meaning (without reviewing the subtle nuances)....